Galaxus: A Playful Twist on Election Advertising and Branding
Galaxus: A Playful Twist on Election Advertising and Branding

Galaxus: A Playful Twist on Election Advertising and Branding

In the lead-up to the Swiss federal elections, the Swiss online retailer Galaxus has taken a bold step by launching its own election campaign. What sets this campaign apart? It features a unique cast of characters: products from Galaxus’s own inventory. These products are positioned as solutions to familiar political slogans. While countless promises adorn political billboards during election season, Galaxus makes a statement by putting its own spin on campaign messaging. The key difference? The products featured in this campaign actually deliver on their promises.

A Unique Approach to Election Campaigns

Galaxus has introduced its “candidates” into the hotly contested political landscape, offering a refreshing take on the election season. Unlike many politicians who may struggle to fulfill their pledges, the products showcased in this campaign are unwavering in delivering on their commitments.

The Creative Process

To craft the slogans for the 23 campaign subjects, Galaxus’s creative team delved into the election platforms of all political parties. What they found was intriguing: the statements were so universally applicable that they could easily double as product promises. This creative approach not only highlights the flexibility of the election slogans but also adds a touch of humor to the entire campaign.

Injecting Humor into Politics

In contrast to the often stern demeanor of politicians, Galaxus aims to inject humor into the election landscape. The company does not take itself too seriously, as reflected in the campaign’s self-ironic tagline, which all subjects share: “Almost always a good choice.” This lighthearted approach aims to break the mold of the typical election campaign, making it more engaging and approachable for the public.

Multi-Platform Visibility

The Galaxus campaign can be seen until October 1st. It spans both traditional and digital media, encompassing Out-of-Home (OOH) and Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertisements, display ads, social media ads, as well as placements in newspapers and political weekly magazines.

In a world where political advertising can often be predictable and overly serious, Galaxus has taken a creative leap by introducing its own “candidates” into the electoral fray. By cleverly aligning its products with universal political promises, the company has succeeded in bringing humor and a fresh perspective to the Swiss election season. With its “Almost always a good choice” tagline, Galaxus offers a unique and memorable approach to branding during a time of intense political messaging. This campaign serves as a reminder that advertising and branding can, at times, provide a welcome dose of humor and lightheartedness in our everyday lives.